Tea and Health


Below is a list of tea’s main health benefits.

  1. Hydration

Drinking tea is a great way to help keep your body hydrated.  About 70% of the body is made up of water and this level can be affected by water lost through perspiration or as water vapour when breathing and talking.  When brewed, green tea is approximately 99% water so drinking it regularly throughout the day will help maintain hydration and make an important contribution to your daily fluid requirements.  Your daily fluid needs will vary depending on the climate in which you live in and your activity level throughout the day.  As a result, it’s recommended that you drink plenty of fluids regularly throughout the day to keep your body hydrated and help prevent you from becoming dehydrated.

  1. Manganese

Tea is also a natural source of manganese. Manganese is an essential trace mineral. About 10-20 mg of Mn is present in the body. Bone, liver, pancreas and kidney form important tissues with Mn.

3. Low Calorie

All teas (black, green & herbal) standalone are not a good source of nutrients. When consumed without milk or sugar/honey, it does not contribute to calorie content thus, making tea an ideal everyday drink especially for those looking to maintain a desired weight.  You may be surprised to see how quickly your liquid calories add up from flavoured hot drinks, juices, sweetened coffee and energy drinks.  Tea is naturally sugar free, so try swapping your higher calorie beverages with a tasty cup of calorie-free tea.

  1. Flavonoids

Tea naturally contains antioxidant substances known as “flavonoids.” Of the flavonoid antioxidants found in tea, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is the most commonly known. It is thought that regularly consuming flavonoids helps protect our bodies from harmful free radicals.  There is ongoing research across the world looking into the positive health benefits of flavonoids such as EGCG found in tea.